The Cooperative Angler Tagging Project collects data about fish species across Georgia's Coast. Since 1988, anglers have tagged more than 14,000 fish. Some of the fish that have been tagged are black drum, sheepshead, spotted seatrout, red drum, tripletail, and tarpon. The information from tagged fish yields life history data including growth, movement, and habitat preference. Currently, the targeted species are red drum, black drum, and tripletail.
If you catch a tagged fish, anglers are encouraged to report the recapture as soon as possible.
Record the following recapture information:
- Tag number
- Fish species and length (in inches)
- Date of recapture and specific location
- Record whether the fish was released. If released, record whether it was released with or without the tag left in the fish.
- Do not remove tag if fish is being released since repeat recaptures are common.
- However, if the angler has no way of recording the tag number prior to release, clip off the tag number closest to the end of the tag, leaving the rest of the tag in the fish.
Contact Coastal Resources Division at:
- Call 912-264-7218
- Mailing address: Cooperative Tagging Project, GADNR/CRD, One Conservation Way, Brunswick GA 31520
- Report your tagged fish catch at CoastalGaDNR.org/FishTag
In appreciation for reporting a tag recapture, anglers receive a reward. Additionally, both the tagging angler and the angler who reported the recapture receive a report that gives the history of the fish. Included in the report are the date, location, size, and equivalent information on the recapture.
Become a Cooperative Angler Tagger
If you are interested in becoming a Cooperative Angler tagger, please contact the project's manager, Donna McDowell, at 912-264-7218 or donna.mcdowell@dnr.ga.gov.