Field Trips - Crooked River State Park

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Ranger-Led Programs

To book a field trip, please call 912.882.5256 or click below to request online.

Request a Field Trip

Meet the Reptiles of Crooked River Grades K-12

Students will meet several native reptiles and learn about the habits and diets of these animals, alongside why they are important to their ecosystem.

  • Program length: 30 minutes to 1 hour
  • Program cost: $4 per student, with a $60 minimum
  • GSE: SEC1, SZ4, SZ5, SKL1, S2L1, S4L1

Dock Detectives Grades 1-12

Students will engage in macro-invertebrate study of our local river. This activity shows off the life that makes the river so important. We go beyond fish and tackle the importance of these macro friends.

  • Program length: 30 minutes to 1 hour
  • Program cost: $4 per student, with a $60 minimum
  • GSE: SEC1, SZ4, SZ5, SKL1, S4L1

All About Archery Grades 5-12

Have your students step up to the range and test their skills with a bow. During this class, we’ll learn basic range safety and how to properly handle and shoot a bow.

  • Program length: 30 minutes to 1 hour
  • Program cost: $15 per student, with a $60 minimum
  • Liability waiver required
  • GSE: PEOE.1, PEOE.2, PELS.4

Squid Dissection Grades 3-12

Learn about the external features and inner workings of the squid. Students will identify structures on the squid and learn about their functions, then they will look inside the for gills, the esophagus, the pen and the ink sac. This is a great introduction to anatomy and dissection.

  • Program length: 30 minutes to 1 hour
  • Program cost: $5 per student, with a $60 minimum
  • GSE: S4L2, S5L3, S7L2,SZ4, SKL1, S2L1
  • Please note there is a small fee per student to cover the materials for squid dissection.

Forest Ecology – A Walk in the Woods Grades 1-8

During a trail walk through one of our forests, we will identify the components of a habitat. Students will learn which plants grow in certain soils and will look for signs of wildlife to determine animals native to the area. We will cover limiting factors, producers, consumers, decomposers, and the circle of life.

  • Program length: 1 hour plus
  • Program cost: $4 per student, with a $60 minimum
  • GSE: SEC1,S1L1, SKL1 SZ4, SZ5, LS1.A , LS1.B , LS1.C, S2L1, S4L1

Marsh Ecology – A Walk in the Woods Grades 1-8

A 5-minute trail walk leads students to the marsh edge where we will identify components of a tidal habitat. Students will learn which animals are adapted to living in this estuary ecosystem along with benefits and value this ecosystem provides. We will cover tides, currents, adaptations, food web/chain, decomposers, and erosion.

  • Program length: 1 hour plus
  • Program cost: $4 per student, with a $60 minimum
  • GSE: S3L1, S4L1, S4L2, S5L4, SZ4 , SKL1, S2L1, S4L1

Ranger-Led FAQ:

Q: What comes included with the program cost?
A: Materials and picnic shelter provided

Q: Do you offer a discount to Title 1 schools?
A: Title 1 Schools receive a $1 discount per child

Q: How do these programs relate to what I am teaching?
A: Each of these programs were designed to align specifically around the grade-specific standards outlined by Georgia’s Standards of Excellence.

Q: Is there a cost or limit for chaperones?
A: There is no limit for the number of chaperones that can come on a ranger-led program. Any chaperone who drives a personal vehicle must have a ParkPass tag displayed in their vehicle. Cost for a ParkPass is $5 per vehicle.

Q: How early in advance do I need to book our program?
A: We require at least a two-week notice to book any ranger-led programs. Call the Nature Center at 912.882.5256.

Ranger-Led Additional Information

  • To register for a program, will need a notice at least 2 weeks in advance.
  • Educators and group leaders will be responsible for the behavior of their students at all times.
  • Please be on time for your scheduled program. If running late, call to let us know. We try to keep to schedule so that you may return to school on time. Occasionally, we have groups scheduled back-to-back and late arrivals may either shorten or possibly forfeit their program.
  • Rain dates are available. We still present the program indoors as well as outdoors in misty rain or cold weather, so please have your students dress accordingly.

Outreach Programs

If you can’t make the trip to the park, we will bring a little piece of the park to you. Outreach programs are offered in specific counties or school districts. The cost is $150.00 per program for a group. Programs are 60 minutes in length. The following outreach programs are available. Please call 912.882.5256 to schedule an outreach program.

Meet the Reptiles of Crooked River

Students will learn and meet several of our native reptiles that we have here at Crooked River State Park. During this lesson, students will learn about the habits and diets of these animals alongside why they are important to their ecosystem. This program can be tailored for any age.

All About Archery

Have your students step up to the range and test their skills with a bow. During this class, we’ll learn basic range safety and how to properly handle and shoot a bow. In the outreach version of this program, we bring our inflatable archery booth with foam tipped arrows. This program is best suited for grades 4 and up. This program also requires a special liability waiver that will be sent upon booking. Also as a final note this program runs $15 per student.

Self-Guided Explorations

Educators and group leaders have the opportunity to experience Crooked River State Park on a self-guided basis. We will provide trail maps where guardians can take their students on one of our many trails. If you call ahead, we can also have our nature center open for your group. Parking fees apply.

Other Information

For any questions, visit the Visitor Center or call us at 912.882.5256.