Program Description
On December 12, 2024, the National Park Service (NPS) released revised guidelines for the nation-wide grant program called the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program. The purpose of the ORLP Program is to provide new or significantly improved recreation opportunities in urban, disadvantaged communities lacking access to walkable outdoor recreation consistent with the purposes and requirements of the LWCF Act and LWCF Manual.
This competition will prioritize the selection of projects that:
Are developed in collaboration with the communities they serve.
Include cooperation and partnerships among government, property owners, developers, financial institutions, and the public.
Promote greenspace investment and sustainable landscape development.
Enhance public health.
Promote, protect, and incorporate the distinctive character of a community.
ORLP is authorized under the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Act. As the lead agency for LWCF, the application process will begin with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR), application will be accepted by our office from January 1, 2025, through March 14, 2025. Submissions will be evaluated by DNR staff and those that meet the required elements and eligibility requirements will be forwarded to NPS to compete in the national competition. If your project is selected at the national level, additional information will be required.
Grant Information
Eligible Applicants: | Located within an incorporated city (or town) having a population of 25,000 or more in the 2020 Census, and |
Eligible Projects: | Assistance is available for a wide range of outdoor recreation uses and the facilities needed to support the use and enjoyment of these areas. These include, but are not limited to:
Grant Amount: | Applicants can request between $300,000 and $15,000,000
Required Match: | Grants require a minimum of 1:1 match from state, local, non-governmental, or private sources in the form of cash or in-kind contributions of land, service, materials, etc. All matching funds must be secured or firmly committed at the time of the application and supported by a signed letter from the donor.
Application Deadline: | February 28, 2025 (via email) to March 14, 2025 (via email)
National Selection Date: | The NPS announcement of selected projects are anticipated September 2025. Selected projects must submit a full application for NPS final review by September 2026 to remain eligible for funding. Awards will be made upon NPS’s final review and approval of the full application.
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Contact Us: | E-mail: |
Application Requirements
A full application will need to include the 8 required items listed in the checklist. Please see the application checklist to the right, under “Required Elements”.
If interested in submitting an application, please contact LWCF Grant Coordinator, Rayne Gaston at
January 1, 2025: Application Cycle Open
March 14, 2025: Application Due to DNR
March – April 2025: Applications Reviewed by DNR
September 2025: National selection announced by National Park Service
Contact Us
Rayne Gaston, LWCF Grant Coordinator
404.290.7958 |