Our Mission
Conserve and promote fishing, hunting and wildlife resources through management, education and scientific research.
Division Overview
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is comprised of five divisions which carry out DNR’s mission to sustain, enhance, protect and conserve Georgia’s natural, historic and cultural resources. As one of five divisions within DNR, the Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) is charged with conserving, enhancing and promoting Georgia’s wildlife resources, including game and nongame animals, fish and protected plants. WRD is comprised of three sections:
Division Efforts
Other Information
Game Management
The Game Management Section manages one million acres of land and more than 100 Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) for hunting, fishing, wildlife enhancement, bird watching, hiking, camping and conservation education. Game Management conducts research and surveys to monitor hunter harvests, wildlife populations and habitats. These efforts support setting regulations and other management activities as well as providing technical assistance to landowners, private organizations and governmental agencies.
Special Programs
- Private Lands Program
- Bobwhite Quail Initiative
- Hunter Education
- Shooting Sports
- Harvest Summaries and Population Surveys
Annual Report
- FY 18–19 Game Management Annual Report
- FY 19–20 Game Management Annual Report
- FY 20–21 Game Management Annual Report
- FY 21-22 Game Management Annual Report
- FY 23-24 Game Management Annual Report
Fisheries Management
The Fisheries Management Section manages 500,000 acres of lakes, 12,000 miles of warm water streams and 4,000 miles of trout streams. This section provide high quality sport fishing. Fisheries Management surveys fish populations to determine sound management approaches and set regulations. We construct and maintain public boat ramps and fish attractors, investigate pollution and fish kills, assess environmental reviews, provide technical assistance to environmental agencies, operate fish hatcheries and Public Fishing Areas (PFAs) and sponsor a variety of kids fishing events.
Special Programs
- Flathead Catfish Removal Project
- Lake Sturgeon Reintroduction to the Coosa River Basin
- Stream Survey Team
- Walleye
- Aquatic Nuisance Species
- Shad Management
Wildlife Conservation
The Wildlife Conservation Section conserves and protects wildlife species not hunted or fished for, native plants and their habitats through public education, research and management. Staff conduct research and surveys on a wide variety of wildlife, identify critical habitats, and implement species and habitat restoration programs. Wildlife Conservation also encourages the appreciation and enjoyment of observing wildlife, catalogs and distributes information on occurrences of rare plants, animals and natural communities, participates in cooperative habitat management with private and corporate landowners, and leads the agency's conservation education efforts. This work is guided by Georgia’s State Wildlife Action Plan. The plan is a statewide strategy to conserve native wildlife species and natural habitats before these animals, plants and places become rarer and more costly to conserve or restore.
General Projects & Programs
- Georgia Rare Species and Natural Community Data
- Georgia At-risk Species Fact Sheet
- Georgia Wild E-Newsletter
- Research Projects
- Wildlife Viewing Grants Program
Information for Species Groups
Aquatic Species
- Conserving Georgia’s Aquatic Species
- About Georgia’s Crayfishes
- About Georgia’s Freshwater Fishes
- About Georgia’s Freshwater Mussels
Reptiles & Amphibians
- About Georgia's Snakes
- Bog Turtle Headstart Program
- Sea Turtle Conservation
- "Calls of the Wild" — Georgia Frogs CD